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Sandra Williams

About Sandra

Asking, Seeking, Knocking

I am a grateful joint heir in Jesus' House of the called out and a student of The Lord's teachings. Over a decade ago, I studied Biblical Literature in the Graduate School of Theology at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, OK. Since that time, I have continued to study and teach as a lay servant leader in the United Methodist Church. I am passionate in my belief that, in this present era, the Word of God "IS alive and active," ever revealing hidden mysteries of God's Kingdom to those "called out" who ask, seek, and knock. This blog is intended as a resource for just such an endeavor. I invite you to subscribe and participate in the studies inspired each week by posting your questions and comments. A companion podcast is available for the convenience of those who prefer listening over reading. I pray that the studies presented will be a blessing to all, especially to those of us who have been "called out" in the House of Jesus.

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